

Everyday dawns with my face,
Longing for your lovely gaze,
My mind in a state of daze,
Hoping you would come from haze.

Your face dethrones the freshness of dew,
Lips saturated with hue,
Wanna hold your satin cheeks,
When I gently kiss your forehead.

I wish you were in my arms reach,
So that I can hear your whisper,
With the smile that creeps along your lips,
This is what that makes my day bright.

Your absence gives sleepless nights,
My soul searches you in dark skies as kite,
There is nothing that I won’t do in my might,
To grab you by my sight……….

As I stare the outside drizzles,
Which seems to be estranged,
I tried diverting my mind, only in vain,
As the loneliness slowly emerged.

All I know is I want to share a lifetime with you,
I never believed angels flew so low,
Now why do I feel all these????
It’s just because I miss you so much.......

Love me pls

My happiness reaches its peaks,
When am with you,
No need of words, for your, presence speaks
Volumes, which are new.
I just wanna hold those fingers forever,
Which makes me feel alive,
I just wanna stare at your eyes, for aeons,
That makes me naïve……………….

Your thoughts gave me happiness,
When I was staring at empty skies,
You made me speak to myself,
Which I never knew before...
Your presence brings star down by my side,
In the form of your smile,
I just melt in the innocence of yours,
I lose myself slowly in your charm………….

Now, my heart goes reeling,
For someone, who brought heavy downpour of feelings,
I wish, I can freeze this moment forever,
With me staring at your eyes,
In your absence, my soul goes astray,
The sight of you makes me gay,
I am confused, what is going with me,
But, if this is love me, will you, pls love me………………………

Past never dies but Kills, part 3

Safe and secure

How long have I been knocked out? Sighed M.J, as he opened his eyes in the city hospital. Not for long just two days, replied Jessie merchant. Why am I here Jessie? M.J gave a confused a look, “It’s been a long story. You went missing the night we met outside the Billy bob’s bar, and I found you this morning near the beach shores”, gasped Jessie. M.J just stared in silence over Jessie that conveyed a lot……..
Jessie slid his hands over the chest of M.J and slowly it crawled over his neck and shoulder, hey pup! do you remember anything where have you been or anything about what happened to you in this past one month when you went missing Jessie finished.
Ah no……… not really……… only in bits and pieces, M.J just assembled the incidents which he remembered vaguely and faintly, he began to say what he remembered, That night after I met you I just got a cab to go to my place since my car wouldn’t start, as the cab entered a narrow dark alleyway the cab driver turned and gave me a glance, I doubt how a human could have such a strong glance, it was like it just penetrated me and pierced my heart and ripped my body into pieces, at that instance I know “I am indeed in trouble not a trouble but a big trouble,ok fine listen you can manage it you can do it, just fight it back no matter whether you win or not but am not leaving this panic take over me I said to myself, I just forced one of my fist in his face and jumped out of the cab and started running but it was too late, five men who appeared in front of me began to walk towards me, there’s no way out, with their each step forward my legs involuntarily stepped a foot back, the next thing I remember was a sound of heavy blow that left me unconscious then………….. His eyes were trembling and shaking like he is seeing a bunch of wraiths of pagan mythology which fed on human souls trapped between the death and life……
But Jessie hugged him consoling, it’s alright just forget it not a matter, don’t strain yourself pup, am happy that somehow at last am here by your side, you know no calls no messages I was going mad without any information from you but now am happy that you are in my arms……….
M.J hugged him tight with tears running all over his eyes which bathed his cheeks like a dew drop running over leaves of roses, his pale skin reddish and he whispered over his ears thanks Jessie am lucky to have someone like you………….
Both of them laughing contently and completely satisfied in each others arms, when they heard the door opened and women, mostly in mid twenties, lean, olive complexion, and gorgeous face with hair neatly combed and piled into a pony tail, entered in and her dress indicated that she is the duty nurse, her uniform tag read Theresa Jacobs. Theresa came close to the bed and smile, how are you feeling sir? Her voice was like butter melting so clear crisp and somewhere lay between seduction and sweet, any man could have fallen for her with such incredible good looks and this brought a twinkle in the eyes of M.J,which doesn’t failed to invite attention from Jessie…
Am……………am…….. Just doing good miss……… Theresa…… Theresa Jacobs, M.J just lost his balance of words, as Theresa’s face was just a few inches away from his own face.
Oh, that’s good Mr. Mike, Theresa said, letting a smile creep over her lips, if you need anything just let me know ill be around the corner she said as she checked for his medicine………..
Jessie interrupted, yea Miss Theresa, I guess we will be fine on our own; we will call you if at all we want something, thanks, his voice sounded cold……

Oops that was a mistake realized M.J, god help me solve this with Jessie he said to himself knowing how mad Jessie would be right now, Theresa left with a puzzled face……….

Mike began to speak, as Theresa left, Jessie, its not what you think, it was just ………
What just? Fumed Jessie, this is not the first time mike, his voice echoed his anger, remember Cynthia, you said the same that time too……….
Oh my god, you mean Cynthia Shelton, mike said with his eyes wide open, I thought you forget those incidents………
Why would I? Anyway Jessie knew its not right time to argue considering the health of the man in front of him, ok!!!!! Ok!!!!!!!! Fine I trust you and now get back to sleep; we can talk this out later. Jessie let his hands crawl over the Mike’s hair slowly drifting him into sleep; there mike slept peacefully in Jessie’s laps with a childish smile in his face…… this instantly brought laughter in Jessie’s face.

Reflections Of Past

As mike slowly and eventually started sleeping, his face was peaceful and content; Jessie traced his hands over the sleeping mike’s face and slowly closed his eyes.

It was the spring of 1990 when Jessie’s parents moved to the calm peaceful outer skirts from the busy hectic schedule of city life, where no one had the time to stand and stare.

What is the purpose, why do we wanna move out from our older home? Whined fourteen year old Jessie,
Everything is for our good, honey said his mom Samantha merchant, she know for the most part it’s just to escape the bad financial crisis they are going through and they were no longer capable of supporting city life, Jessie’s father, jasper merchant actually was into real estate business which was not doing well due to recent financial crisis.

Jasper merchant, a man in late forties was an American, 6ft tall with neatly cropped hair and clean shaven face, Jessie always had feared his father, because his father never likes someone working against his will or interest, right from the way they spend to eat all depends on his father, on the other hand his mother,Samantha,was in her early forties, slender and pale complexion, all this years of household duties made her pale and not to mention too fragile, it was from her that Jessie used to get lot of favors…..

Now Mr, jasper cleared his throat and said what the problem is? Jessie, you do what I say and you come where I go, am I heard clear...
This is not fair, moaned Jessie Did I hear something Jessie, Nope certainly nothing Jessie gritted his mouth “Common jasper Jessie will get used to this place, try not to be harsh, Samantha came for her son’s aid.
Better you don’t give too much room to the kid or you will be in trouble jasper warned…
Now stop worrying and drive, I’ll take care of Jessie he is no longer a kid he has grown a lot, Samantha winked at Jessie
This comment made Jessie giggle and unknowingly this even brought a faint smile in Mr. Jasper’s face after all Jessie is his only son.

Its been three hour journey though the travel was not bad, Jessie looked around as they drove into the place, it was far better than their city, with its clean fresh air, green meadows, children playing around with their parents watching, he dint take a eye from outside environment, till his dad announced we are there……
Jessie jumped out in excitement and started roaming around the place which will be their new home from now on.

Samantha and jasper were just standing out taking a deep breath, hoping that it would be a good new start. But jasper sighed,ah need to be careful that your “little grown up kiddo” don’t run into bad companies..
Jasper, Samantha stressed her voice, will you relax and stop worrying everything, I said I’ll take care of him.
Fine then because am not entertaining any new problems here, better let him behave growled jasper.

The time was slowly passing, they spent the entire day settling things and Jessie choosing his favorite room for him, by the time they finished things it was evening, when Jessie looked the clock said it was five to six. Jasper announced that he is going out to meet some one of his friend. Jessie was startled; he has friends everywhere Jessie thought to himself.

Mom, called Jessie
What’s the matter jess, asked Samantha
This place feels good except one thing, School, I can’t start over the new kid who introduces himself that stuff again.
Oh jess, common I never knew my son was a coward, I thought he was brave like superman, Samantha hugged her son Jessie
Superman,oh yeah mom, am brave, Jessie giggled.
I know that Samantha said till hugging her child and she continued,
So better behave before your dad goes mad.
Hmmm I will mom, Jessie assured.

The day that Jessie dreaded arrived, it was the first day in new school in a typical place where he knows no one and he wasn’t sure of what to expect, slowly he bid goodbye to his dad and entered the school campus, his dad has made everything clear so he can go straight to the class, he paused near the door, took a brief look at the map and instructions that are to be followed, and tried to remember them, in which he failed though. At last he found his class room knocked on the door and entered the class room and he was surprised as the class room contained only twenty five kids, he has never been in such a small class.
welcome kid, may I know your name? asked a women who must be in late twenties, her blue eyes staring keenly at him, her hair was tied behind and she was dressed in lavender, she kept staring at him while he took a study of the class room.
There in the wall some maps and paintings hung which he hardly identified, then there were 15 boys and 10 girls in the class, as he turned around he noticed the windows at the right corner of the room were big and were kept open for the clean air to enter the room about which he was not sure but he assumed that might be the reason, as he took a glance at board it was clear that teacher was taking arithmetics,god save me Jessie gulped as he oddly survived in arithmetics or in any divisions of mathematics.
Excuse me kid, said the teacher raising her voice.
Suddenly Jessie raised his eyes to take a look at her.
Yes ma’am Jessie said.
I asked you, how they call you, said the teacher.
Well, am Jessie merchant and you can call me Jessie, he smiled.
Oh,Jessie merchant, new kid uh….. am Joan, your arithmetics teacher, and am in charge of your class so Jessie since you are new here if you have any doubts you can ask me directly or you can ask him. she pointed towards the corner of the room.
He stood from his seat, mike called the teacher, will you help Jessie.
Yes ma’am,I will! he smiled assuringly Jessie and mike exchanged smiles. Listen Jessie, I don’t want you to put through introducing yourself in front of class but better do that in breaks okay, now go sit. Miss Joan said…
Gosh, what a relief Jessie chanted to himself and said, thanks Miss Joan.
As he walked through he saw mike smiling at him and moving a bit to give him a place to sit.
Thanks mike, said Jessie.
But mike just smiled and asked so you new here.
Yep replied Jessie
Oh so like the place, jess asked mike.
Its kinda early ,aint it, Jessie asked raising his eyebrows.
Oh yeah,but you will like it here, mike patted his shoulder.
I do hope so, I have no other option said Jessie.
Their conversation was interrupted by the bell that indicated the end of class, that day the city was celebrating green day which signified the very low pollution of that area, it was one of the major occasion in that city, so Miss Joan announced that they can leave for the day.

All students were started making noises as they began packing back. Is that it, Jessie asked surprised to mike.
Oh yeah today its green day, though we don’t have much thing to do, usually they start celebrating around 11 am, we came here just to enroll the forms for this year, mike said.
Oh so classes begins only from tomorrow Jessie exclaimed,
Exactly mike said.
Hey jess why don’t you come I’ll show you around the place since you are new here, mike offered.
Sounds interesting. Jessie said with a glow in his eyes.
Then what are we waiting for come lets go, mike jumped off………..

New beginning

As they entered the streets, Jessie was clearly excited about his new friend and this is not bad as I thought Jessie murmured to himself in such a low voice that no one else could hear his voice.
Hey jess, mike exclaimed,
Yeah tell me mike
What’s your favorite sports, mike asked him turning towards him
Hmmmm,am not that much into sports anyway I like rugby to the least.
Yay that’s great Jessie, even I like rugby the most, I have always dreamt playing rugby.
Oh then my new buddy is a rugby player, that’s cool, grinned Jessie.
As the conversation proceeded they began talking more about themselves without knowing that. they eventually stopped near the park benches where mike motioned him to sit, which Jessie did gladly and the park was not that big and it aint that bad either, there were nearly some four to five sets of benches with four benches filled with four people each. mostly it looked like some mid aged couple who were just having some of their lone time. there were some sets of swings which essentially doesn’t meant only for children. The park was filled with the smell of certain flowery scent which he was not able to recognize clearly, this is good muttered Jessie.
Yep told you, you are gonna like this place, mike replied with wide smile.
Oh am not that easy to impress, Jessie grinned hiding the fact that mike actually got him.
Common jess, accept the fact, its just you and me mike said plainly
Jessie nodded in agreement, so wont they have any celebration for the day.
Celebration uh, nah this lazy heads need a break from job or work so they just met up and decided that this day of month is going to be green day so they get an off today, however certain people do celebrate just by having some time alone outside, just like us, mike suggested, what he overheard his parents talk.
Oh i like this way of celebrating, no parades, no noise, no commotion or no traffic, its clean and nice, Jessie said
At last you admitted it, mike said
Hmm yeah, after all its between you and me, Jessie giggled.
So what does your parents do Jessie, mike raised his question.
My dad is in real estate firm, mom is a house wife, Jessie replied vaguely, as if he is not interested in this question.
They continued talking till the darkness started creeping the place, mike’s phone rang.
Hello, mike answered
Yea mom am in the park
Ok fine, don’t worry there’s nothing that I doesn’t know in this city, do I ?
Mom relax for a while, I’ll be there in another half an hour, will that do.
Well then now relax, am starting now,
Bye mom.

My mom just worried, where have I gone since the classes closed early today, he said to Jessie. when mike raised his head to see Jessie, he can clearly say that Jessie’s face was really restless and in great panic.
What….. what happened Jessie, mike asked concerned,
My dad will be mad on me, he don’t like me staying somewhere out without informing him, Jessie finished.
Then I guess, its better we both get going, what you say, mike asked him.
Hmmm I guess so, but I like talking with you, anyway I’ll see you tomorrow in class though, just grab the seat next by you for me, winked Jessie
That goes without saying, I gotta help you remember replied mike with a wink.
C ya mike, Jessie rushed as fast as his legs could take him, as he noticed four voice messages from his mom, he answered them
Jessie, me and your dad are going out to meet one of his friend and we will be late this evening and I want you to come home and be nice when you are alone, the food is in refrigerator just bake it, bye Jessie, take care.
Thank god, Jessie pushed his hands over his temple. And he started walking not running just thinking of the entire day, the entire day he has nothing else to think about mike as his entire day was spent with him. he just thanked his luck, for not making his first day worse rather here he is with a new friend who is kind of close with him. But its too early to decide anything now, Jessie said to himself.
By this time he has just entered the gates of his home, thank god they haven’t reached yet, he slowly entered the home and relaxed for a while in couch and looked at the clock which said it was 7:30. Jessie left his bags in his bed and took a shower, now got back to the living room and took a bite over what was left in refrigerator, he just laid there in the couch, the next thing he remembered was his mom waking him up.
Jess wake up, or you are going to be late for school.
Morning ,mom what’s the time, Jessie asked still sleeping.
Well, its 7 am, his mom said, yesterday we came and we saw you started sleeping in the couch, so we were like not o disturb you.
Yeah it was correct Jessie doesn’t know what happened,and when he passed out,anyway he has no time for thinking now,he has to get ready or else he is going to be late which his dad don’t like,so he hopped off from bed and headed to his daily activities. I’ll catch you at breakfast samantha told her son,
Oh yeah mom, that would be fine, Jessie yelled from the bath.

Its been just five minutes, before he came in front of the dressing table, he just gelled his long hair into straight wavy style, then got himself dressed up in a blue denim with a grey t-shirt and started, his mom met him in the dining hall, so jess how was your first day his mom asked
You wont believe I love this place, Jessie said a sudden excitement in his voice
This took his dad by surprise, who silently turned to have a look at him.
That’s good Jessie, but may I know what made you change your mind, Samantha asked her son.
Hmm well its my new friend mike exclaimed Jessie.
Oh you got a new friend too and that’s why you dint attend the call yesterday, his dad interrupted…
Uhmmm not really but I was with him when you tried calling me and since my phone was in silent mode I was not able to notice, he was just showing me around the place Jessie finished.
Nice, but be careful jess, advised his mom.

The next day both jess and mike were serious listening class, talking only in breaks and in lunch hours, things were going smooth between them and their bond started growing strong day by day, which now has reached an extent that nothing could break that bond. As they entered their higher grades, Jessie began to feel something strange about mike, he for the first time really admired mike as he was walking towards him, and as he approached closer he said morning jess, seems something is troubling you, may I know what is that, mike asked concerned as he slowly brushed his hands over Jessie’s cheeks.
Nah nothing much, mike so how was your practice sessions.
Great as usual, they both started walking towards their cars.\

Jessie for the first time felt how attractive his friend mike was his firm toned ripping physique which was well complimented by his 6’5 ft height and his blue eyes, Jessie was brought back to reality by mike’s voice,jess,what happened you are looking at me as if you were seeing me for the first ime,am I looking that hot, teased mike.
Nah,not really I was just thinking how a person with all good features can look so bad like you, said Jessie sarcastically
This made both of them laugh. They both bid good bye for the day and left for their homes, anyway Jessie knew that will be over phone in a few minutes which has become one of their daily behaviour.

As he entered his room, Jessie had one big question in his mind, he asked his mind am I gay ? or is this just a curiosity that’s created due to the changes in hormones. for one instant he thought he has never hung out with girls mostly because of the reason they never interested him, but that does not make me gay Jessie convinced himself.
What’s this am going through, jess laid confused in his bed, out of the two the latter option sounded better and he wished that it was mainly due to the hormonal thing and not him being gay. Because coming out and saying that to his father he would kill himself instead.

But he is sure about one thing that something new has just begun.


The third person

Things were not going well with jess after that night, he was really going mad day by day and he has come to a conclusion, whether its right or wrong but one thing is sure for now that he is in love with mike, if that makes him gay he least bothered about it, the thing that bothered him now is how do I say this to mike ,Jessie was confused.
The following day when he reached his class, there mike stood talking and laughing with a girl whom Jessie dint realize, must be new girl he said to himself. As Jessie went closer, he saw mike wave at him and this made that girl turn and see whom he was signaling.
At that instant Jessie was stunned to see that girl, who was blonde and lean must be 6 ft tall, with perfect facial features, her wavy hairs just falling in her face in small curls, she flashed a smile at Jessie, god that smile was indeed heart melting, the entire guys who were passing were just staring at her like anything, all her features made her attractive, she should have chosen acting or modeling as she was drop dead gorgeous, dressed in purple skirts and white t-shirt she is the most gorgeous girl he has ever seen.
Hey jess, this is Cynthia Shelton and Cynthia, this is Jessie merchant my best friend to be honest he is half of me, mike winked at Jessie, this comment made Jessie proud.
Nice to meet you Jessie, Cynthia opened her mouth.
So do I …,Jessie just searched for words,
I hope I haven’t seen you here earlier, Jessie continued,
Yeah jess, I have just joined here, Cynthia said.
Oh then am sure guys here are going to go mad after you Jessie smirked.
I hope that does not happen Cynthia laughed, that attracted Jessie but not in the other way round its just because everything about her was attractive.
K Jessie and mike see you guys around, she waved and left for her class. God she is stunning Jessie uttered, oh don’t worry she is my girl friend, mike smiled.
Wh….wha…..what? Jessie gasped
Oh common I was just teasing, mike teased him.
That means she is available uh, Jessie teased mike.
No not really she is already with Charlie, said mike.

Charlie was his fellow mate in mike’s rugby team. he was an Irish by birth but moved in here long before, he was 6’4 ft tall with toned physique but not as fair as mike though, infact he was no match for Cynthia, Jessie assumed that Cynthia was with him as he was the star player in their team. But somehow this new brought a sense of relief in his eyes, but how long is he going to pretend like this.
That’s bad Jessie complained,
Hahahaha mike laughed loud.
They both headed to their class room, you like her don’t you Jessie asked mike,
Mike just gave him a wicked smile, what do you think, mike asked him in return.
No idea, Jessie said curiously.
Hmm yeah, I like her but not the way you think, mike cleared.
Oh yeah not the way I think, Jessie giggled punching mike’s hands.

Days were running fast, one fine day mike has somehow convinced the coach with his skills that he was made the captain of the team,he has become the most famous guy. Now that we two has become three with Cynthia joining us every now and then, one day Cynthia appeared upset when they asked the reason she said, things were not going well with her and Charlie, and they broke up. This thing instantly alarmed Jessie’s mind.
Don’t worry we can try and fix the problem, Jessie assured her.
Not needed jess ,she said glancing mike.
Mike just smiled at her, he felt kind of awkward with the way the situation was turning out.
Jessie stood there dumbstruck, he only noticed the way he smiled at her back, he thought something was going behind his back, he was not ready to share mike’s friendship with anyone else, so he started, it will be fine Cynthia, we are running a bit late to class, so we will see you after the class, Jessie finished.
He looked at mike, who motioned him to go and that he is not coming to class, I gotta talk with her jess, will see you once you are back.
Jessie’s eyes were filled with rage and he slowly moved away from the place without uttering a word, just stared for one last time n the eyes of mike and he left.
Mike sat next to Cynthia and said something which obviously seemed to console her, jess was just staring at them from class, after the class jess dint say anything he just kept moving when he came across the cafeteria he saw them both talking and he just crossed the place as fast as he can so that they would not notice him. It was obvious that mike seemed to spend more time with Cynthia these days, Jessie felt that mike obviously forgot his existence.

Meanwhile Charlie was fuming, as he thought it was mike who was the reason for his breakup with Cynthia, so he decided to confront him in the practice that evening. As the practice sessions began in the evening,he went straight to mike and called for his name.
Mike, yelled Charlie,
What do you want now Charlie, mike replied vaguely.
You ruined everything, its you who is responsible for my breakup with Cynthia, Charlie growled.
What made you come to that conclusion Charlie, this is ridiculous mike was furious now due to the false accusation.
Oh yeah! you don’t understand right, bitch why don’t you go find some other girls rather stealing other’s girl friends, Charlie still fuming.
Enough Charlie, mike grabbed his shirt and pinned him against wall, that’s enough, I have heard enough.
Listen mike, I’ll avenge you for this surely, no matter how long it takes, you will go down in my arms ,lets see whose girl you are gonna steal next, I wanna know what Jessie feels about his friend stealing other’s girl friends. Charlie left saying this.
Jessie, mike said in silence, he has not seen or spoken to him after that incident when he asked him to go and he wanted to talk to Cynthia, this struck him like a thousand lightening at once, what have I done. He went in search of Jessie but he found him talking with Charlie, no not again mike said to himself.

Jess, mike called
Yea what can I do for you mike, Jessie replied plainly
This brought a smile in Charlie, ok Jessie see ya around Charlie left.
What was that about, mike asked surprised.
Which one mike, Jessie sounded normal.
This Charlie thing, how long you are being friends with him, mike just blurted out.
Oh common friends, I don’t believe in that anymore, Jessie said.
What? mike stood surprised
Hey guys Cynthia’s voice echoed from the other end of the corridor.
Mike just turned to greet her, hey Cynthia, mike said.
Hi mike, what where you doing alone here, Cynthia asked.
Alone, not alone, I was with jes…….. he turned only to notice that Jessie has already left the place.
This is worse than what I thought, why he is doing this to me Jessie whispered to himself while leaving, he turned and noticed that mike kept staring at him frozen.
Are you guys alright, seems you both are having some problem, Cynthia asked mike.
Mike just stood there in silence.
Hello Cynthia gave a choke to him, oh yeah tell me Cynthia,
I asked are you guys alright.
No not really, its that we still talk with each other, that’s it and nothing more mike said huskily.
Common leave it things will be fine soon, Cynthia assured him.
No he has never been so mad at me, neither have I spent so much less time with him, its like I forgot his existence, how can I do that, I know he cant bear my absence by his side but how did I forget that, mike slowly turned to Cynthia and Cynthia just patted him in his shoulder and said relax things will be fine, I just came to apologize for the way Charlie behaved to you.
Mike just held her hands and said its fine Cynthia, its not that bad, he thought I was dating you, he doesn’t understand that we are good friends, and there’s no use in explaining things to someone who will not understand things.
Anyway Cynthia now am kind of upset, I just wanna leave, shall we leave, he asked her, with his eyes begging her to say yes.
Yes ,we shall come agreed Cynthia ,they both started moving. It was then he saw Jessie coming out of office room, who gave a glance to them, mike was having his hands over her shoulder. Mike began to walk towards Jessie but Cynthia held him no mike, you are not that strong now.
Jessie looked at him deep and shook his head and left the place and disappeared in the crowd.
Mike grabbed his left over strength and entered the office room to enquire what was Jessie doing in there, the accountant replied nothing mike, he just wanted to get him transferred to the 2:00 o clock batch in the afternoon, if that was possible.
What god, has he been transferred, mike inquired restlessly.
Unfortunately that batch was already full so we said that we are helpless and Jessie left saying that if at all any vacancy is created he should be the first one to fill the place and we assured him for that.
Mike has almost lost track how long he stood there in silence, oddly a trace of smile crept in the face of Cynthia, which mike dint notice.
I guess, the problem is me, Jessie don’t like you spending so much time with me, Cynthia said innocently.
No he is not, there’s something else that’s troubling him, you don’t think like this, mike hugged her consoling, there the door opened, there stood Jessie who came to get his assignment which he left in the couch out there, and he saw mike hugging Cynthia.
There you are, I know I’ll find you. Nothing can escape from my eyes, Jessie said taking his assignment and dropping it in his bag.
Mike understood where the problem laid. it was indeed Cynthia herself and what Cynthia said was exactly the problem.


The proposal

Mike called Jessie that night, Jessie picked up the call.
Hello, said Jessie
Hey mike am glad you somehow found time to call me, Jessie exclaimed,
Listen jess, I dunno what’s the problem and this is hurting badly, you know we were never been this far apart.
Jessie was silent, he somehow managed to say hmmmmm.
Mike continued, so you thought I was avoiding you for Cynthia, there was long pause after this, which seemed to extent for aeons, mike broke the silence, you could have straight away came to me and slapped me instead of doing this, you know all I have or all I care about is only you and everything comes next to you, I thought you know that.
Jessie started crying, am sorry mike, thing is that I have never been left alone in your presence, it was like you almost forgot my existence, that hurt me badly which I was not able to tolerate, that just pierced every inch of my body.
Mike interrupted, am sorry Jessie, will you forgive me.
You fool, you don’t need to ask that, Jessie laughed.
So this thing is over right, you are with me from tomorrow, mike asked excitingly.
Hmmm I guess so, Jessie admitted.
I wish I could hug you, damn it I missed you badly Jessie, mike said.
So do I, Jessie reciprocated.

Jessie dinner is ready Samantha called for her son.
Am coming mom, Jessie replied. He turned to phone hey mike mom’s calling for dinner, I’ll see you tomorrow in the class, hugs and miss you, good night.
That’s fine Jessie, miss you too, good night.
They hung up the phone and it was like that was the best day in his life, he jumped up and down and was pretty excited he cant wait for the next morning, he rushed down am here mom.
She noticed the change in him, and said Jessie,
Yes mom, Jessie said with a flash of smile.
Seems you are pretty excited, have the problems with mike cleared out uh.
Mom!!!! How you know that, Jessie stated in disbelief.
Common Jessie, its just a guess and I know you wont for anything else.

The next day Jessie woke up pretty early and got ready and left the home, rushed to the school as fast as he can, he was all excited about meeting mike, he planned to tell everything to mike the way he felt about him. He saw Cynthia over the corner and she said hey jess seems am troubling you she asked insultingly.
Not anymore, Miss Shelton Jessie said crisp and clear.
And why is that, Cynthia asked wickedly
It’s because am confident about myself and am not letting any leeches spoil my mood, now Miss Shelton I have better things to do than chatting with you will you excuse me.
Cynthia just nodded and moved to leave him the way, thanks Miss Shelton.

After a while mike arrived, Jessie just smiled at him, mike reciprocated the smile, they both just hugged and mike said I missed you idiot. I know Jessie said, mike accidentally kissed his cheeks.

As they both were walking holding hands together hey jess just go straight to the office and cancel the transfer that you have asked winked mike.
oh yeah,I’ll do that, just gimme a second, Jessie jumped and ran away to the office room. once Jessie was out of sight Cynthia approached mike and said hey mike.
Not again am not ready to risk this again, mike said to himself,what do you want Cynthia, mike asked in a hurry.
Mike you don’t seem to sound pleased, Cynthia looked concerned.
Please Cynthia tell me what’s the matter before Jessie arrives, I have already had enough dose of this and am not going through this again or am not ready to risk the bond that we have, yet again.
Fine Cynthia yelled and left the place, she was no where to be seen after that.
Now that Jessie was back, they finished classes and headed to the park, mike I wanted to say something to you, I don’t know is this right or not, but I cant hide this from you.
Now what’s that, mike looked amused.
I guess, I like you mike said Jessie gasping for breath.
Oh this is not funny, I know you do like me, and you know I also like me, mike sighed.
Mike I meant, how do I say this……..
Just tell me, after all its between us two, mike smiled shyly.
Fine see, recently I happened notice that I was admiring you more than normal way, I thought about this for a while and am not ready to share your affection with anyone else, you see you have spread too deep in me, Jessie continued to look down in ground.
Then, mike asked still amused.
Mike, I don’t know how you are going to react this, I guess am in l…..,even before he could finish, he felt mike pulling him close for a tight hug, do you think that I don’t know that you love me, I was just waiting for you to say that, I too love you Jessie. Jessie could not believe what he heard. He kept staring at him. the next thing he remembered was mike’s lips against his own, its been more than ten years and still they were together, though mike still doubted that he might go behind a girl because he became over possessive and not ready to share his love or affection with anyone else.

At this point mike just let out a small growl which brought the attention of Jessie towards him, thus he got back to the reality from the sweet memories of the past. It was not sweet for all though……………..


Trail of the mystery

Having spend one week in hospital with Jessie constantly looking over him partially because he loved him and partially to keep him away from the sexy nurse Theresa, mike was free to go home at last.
It’s always nice to be back home, he had no idea how his home would be, as he was not in there for more than three months, he just wished that he don’t have much cleaning to do. In an instant the words “he will be ready to operate”, “Let him go anyway it will start working soon so he has no other way” all these statements began lingering in his head, what is going to start?, who were they and why did they kidnap me and what have they done to me?, there’s more to answer but he decided that he will figure out that himself, but how and where do I began, with his mind not in a mood to think clearly, already these thoughts have made him feel dizzy and he felt his weakness took over and soon he fainted.

Hey mike ! Jessie yelled in horror
But no response, Jessie dialed to the hospital.
The phone began ringing no response, after two minutes a lady picked up the call
City hospital, what can I do for you?
Could you connect me to Dr.jefferson please, Jessie gasped.
Just a minute stay on the line ,sir .
There was a long beep by this time Jessie has placed mike in his bed and waited over the phone, after few minutes which seemed to be decades, Dr.jefferson came in the line.
Hello, Jefferson here
Hey Jeff, Jessie called….
Even before Jessie could finish Jeff interrupted,hey yeah tell me Jessie how is your friend doing now.
I just called you to say that he fainted as we entered his home, and am confused without knowing what to do, Jessie finished with great effort.
Fine, I’ll be there in a second,Dr.jefferson said
Please make it soon Jeff, sounded troubled Jessie

In another fifteen or twenty minutes, grey colored wagon entered the gates of mike’s apartment indicating the arrival of Dr.jefferson.
Jessie reached for the doors to greet the doctor and lead him in, but to his much dismay with Jeff was the women whom he never wanted to see again, there stood Theresa with a smile on her face.
But Jessie very well knew that this is not the time to show hostility as mike was lying in his bed fainted, so Jessie took the doctor inside.
Where is mike, Jeff asked.
I’ve made him rest in bed, but he is still unconscious, Jessie clearly feeling bad and concerned.
Nothing to worry Jessie, its just he has strained himself by thinking too much, which his recent weak body condition was not ready to take so he ended up fainting, he will be fine in a fifteen minute or so.
And he continued, Jessie could sense what’s coming and he whispered to himself its not happening, so Jessie, Jeff called, miss Theresa will be here to take care of mike if at all if something happens.
No that’s not needed, what if you need her in hospital, Jessie rushed
Oh common Jessie don’t be silly we can manage over there, jeff cleared things.
With nothing to do, Jessie had no other option but to accept this.
Fine Jeff, Jessie said raising his voice which was indeed rude and cold.
To his anger, Miss Theresa added fuel by saying, Don’t worry Mr. Jessie, from now on its my duty to look after your friend mike. Oh I see Theresa is keen on this job, Jeff smiled shyly.
Oh god, the worst part is yet to began, Jessie sighed. He gave an awkward smile to Dr.jeff. Thanks jeff, am grateful that you made your presence as soon as I called you.
Jeff left saying he can contact him if at all he need anything later on, as jeff left, there was mike’s noise coming from his bedroom indicating that he is awake, so Jessie rushed in, who was followed by Theresa, Jessie has completely forgot her presence
Hey mike, Jessie rushed to the bedside,
Mike said nothing but just stared at him, his eyes roaming over his room, the way it looked surprised him, the room was completely clean as if it were cleaned twice or thrice a day. As Jessie read his amazement, he gently tapped mike’s shoulder. I knew you would come some day, and I dint want you to strain a lot, Jessie finished.
Thanks jess, whispered mike.
Hello Mr. mike how are you doing now, Theresa interrupted.
Jessie cursed himself for not noticing her presence. As mike just peeked a bit to see who it was, he could not believe himself.
Theresa, it was you, what a pleasant surprise. Yea am doing all fine but little tired.
Yea I can see that, Theresa said.
Mike turned to face Jessie ,who was clearly uncomfortable with the way the things are turning out. As Jessie looked at mike with a glare, Theresa interrupted ,so Mr. Mike ,jeff wanted me to visit you to make sure things are fine with you as you fainted this morning when you were on the way back home.
Oh that’s so kind of you Theresa, thank you I guess am kinda fine now.
Fine, if you say so, anyway mike I’ll see you tomorrow then Theresa got ready to leave.
Oh yeah that would do Theresa, mike replied.
Jessie still sat at the corner of the bed lost in the way the things turned out to be, who was brought back to reality by the voice of mike.

Jess, could you just lead Theresa as she is ready to leave, mike asked.
Oh yeah, Jessie replied instantly as a kid would do anything to get a candy.
This tone was clearly rude and cold yet he least bothered about, though mike disliked this, he know what would happen if he asks this to him, apart he doesn’t want o fight with Jessie for something which is not important.

As soon as Theresa left, Jessie said damn it, I regret calling jeff this morning.
Jessie, why are you tensed now asked mike.
As if you don’t know, Jessie yelled angrily,
listen jess, all I can say is you have nothing to worry, just trust me, will you. Yea I do, you know how to convince me, Jessie smiled,
off course I do, mike said smiling back and just pulled him in for a hug.

Meanwhile a trembling hands from the outer skirts of the city just rushed to a local telephone booth, and dialed 911, it was Ron who was on duty, he picked up the call
Hello 911 , Ron answered
Hello, a women sounded, who was clearly panicked and terribly shaking with horror.
Mam, are you alright the voice on the other side asked.
No there’s a half burnt body outside my farm, the women replied,
What, holy shit Ron uttered to himself.
Where are you now? Ron asked the woman.
After collecting the details from the woman over phone, Ron said, Thanks mam we will be there in a few minutes, please stay where you are.

As they reached the place, he noticed that the women was in her late forties, she just came there to relax for a while with her husband where she happened notice this half burnt body which laid there near a old building. the police sirens were echoing all over the place, it was clearly horrifying site, it was a male whose body has been ripped and toasted by fire, his upper body was completely burnt with his skin shrunk over his ribs and chest, his eyeballs barely clinging to the holes in his skull, all the veins and nerves running through his face has been completely toasted, the skin over his hands were peeled completely and the sockets were being visible to naked eyes, below his hips it was soaked in blood and it was fine.
Oh my god, seems another sadist is around the corner, Ron uttered.
This is much bad than what I thought, Ron said to himself as he turned to take, it wasn’t long before he got a glimpse over something that laid there, it was a card which read Dr.Anderson, rest of which were burnt. This cant get any worse, sighed Ron.

Ron, left the place marking the crime scene, and after sending the body for post mortem, he just rushed in to give the report to his head, who listened everything carefully and handed this case to Ron himself, with the assistance of zaile.

Ron, was in his thirties, he had a fit and fine physique that suited his job perfectly , he was too sincere to his job, he just considered it as doing some good to public rather than as a job, he was incredibly bold who feared neither death nor threatening. On the other hand zaile ,was in her mid twenties who has just joined the firm, energetic and young, and has been noted for the brilliant way she figures out the clues and puzzles that eventually will solve the crime. So they both seemed to make a perfect team.
With everything on the way, zaile and Ron started the work. So what you got there Ron, asked zaile.
Nothing much zaile, a card guess its his name it read Dr.Anderson and the rest of the card were burnt.
So we need to begin from scratch, sighed zaile.
Guess so, completed Ron.
Anyway it doesn’t sound bad, seems we got few asses to kick, laughed zaile.
Ron laughed back, and they knew its going to be bit difficult than normal, after all case is a case right.



The next day mike woke up from his bed looking to the clock which showed him that the day has already began and it was half past eight. There was a note on the bed side, it read,

Morning pup,(which instantly brought smile over the face of mike) has got an urgent call and have something important to attend though its not important than you but something urgent, so be safe and breakfast is in kitchen just heat it, I’ll be back home before 4.00 pm, take care. Forgot just be careful when that dumb nurse is around, I don’t like to utter her name. Take care, love you, bye.

Mike was just thinking who is the dumb nurse, oh gosh he meant Theresa and mike burst out laughing. Mike just got up brushed his teeth, and went through the magazine, which has published the Anderson’s brutal murder. He had a glance over it and uttered to himself poor soul, may it rest in peace. And then he turned to the pages and he got just fixed to one page which has got his interest too much, when he realized what he was doing he was shocked, he was staring at the latest collection of night gowns that were launched for the winter. Oh my god what am I doing, thank god Jessie dint say this or else…… he just started laughing to himself.

By the time when he finished bathing, he called up Theresa and asked her not to come as he is going out. She asked him to be careful though.

As the day passed mike just got himself ready and headed out, he just wanted to go out after all the incidents. On his way he was thinking about things that he remembered as dreams, his mind ran through the complete vision of the incident that he remembered, it was a room which appeared to be a lab though, two men entered the lab who injected him with something, he doesn’t remember their faces but both had similar logos over the lab coat that they were wearing it was two palm trees in a circle, now what does that signify, he thought to himself got some research to do.
By now he was standing inside a shop that was exclusive for lingerie clothes, he was just staring at them, he was interrupted by the voice of the shop owner, so what type of lingerie would your girl like. Uh, what mike asked confused and just cursed himself for entering in here where he has never been before, oops sorry, it was a mistake, mike managed to get the words. Shop keeper was confused and stood there still.
Gosh what’s happening to me, this is not good, I know am gay but being gay doesn’t mean that am feminine, has this got something to do with what they said, his thoughts raced. And he accidentally stumbled into a man and said, sorry excuse me.
Hey mike, how is ya doing, the person exclaimed
Am fin…….e……..,is that you Charlie, Mike uttered in complete disbelief.
Yay dude, that’s cool you do remember me Charlie smiled and hugged him.
Oh common Charlie why would I forgot? he paused and continued after all the brawl we had over Cynthia, he smiled sheepishly.
Oh yeah,you still remember that Charlie smiled back. It was my mistake am sorry I behaved that way to you, Charlie apologized.
You are forgiven mike said with a grin.
So friends, Charlie offered his hands and you were always, winked mike.
So mike how is life and how is Jessie, Charlie asked.
Both are fine, only the thing is Jessie has been too busy lately, replied mike. Then Charlie how is your life and things at your side.
Nothing interesting just working as a rugby instructor in a private sports club and nothing interesting, you know I was never been successful with dating scenario for long, though I realized the reason now, said Charlie with a spark in his eyes.
Oh so some self realization uh, teased mike. Oh not really Charlie replied, fine mike am kinda running late to work, what you are doing this evening asked Charlie asked.
Nothing I guess, said mike.
Ok cool then this is my number call me once you are sure of that, if you are free we can meet at blue sapphire restaurant this evening at 7.30.
Hmmmmm that sounds cool even I have lot to talk, see you then.
They both waved at each other and both headed in opposite directions, from the spark in his eyes mike could certainly say that Charlie was thrilled to meet him.
Now that mike has been left on his own yet again, he decided that he could go take a complete checkup to ensure that he is alright and he also wanted to know what effect has the injection that has been injected had on him, so he thought of visiting Dr.Jefferson at first but he knew if something is wrong then he would right away tell to Jessie, mike dint want to make Jessie upset. So he decided to himself that he wont let Jessie know until its something serious.
So he was just thinking whom he can go and meet, he noticed a medical lab on his way where he thought he would do with the check up, and entered. He was greeted by a man who was twice his age and his lab coat explained everything, his tag read Dr.phil.
He began speaking what can I do for you/ sir, asked Phil.
Nothing sir, I ve been recently noticing some changes with my behaviour so I would like to get a complete check up.if that’s possible, mike said.
Oh yeah sure, take that seat Phil pointed out to the seat that laid at the far corner of the room. Mike took a quick look around the room it was nothing different from usual medical lab, so mike went straight to the seat and laid over there, in few minutes Phil returned towards him.
So Mr. mike are you ready to go, Phil asked him.
Mike replied with gentle nod.
It took twenty five minutes and Phil said so Mr. mike you can come collect your reports tomorrow. Fine see you then mike left with a wave.

Meanwhile in the distant corners of the city in a small room which was lit by red light, a voice erupted I asked you to burn him completely fool, what have you done, now you have set Ron and zaile behind us, this must be taken care of immediately listen I cant go to prison for your careless behaviour, have I made myself clear. Yes sir, all other voice echoed in unison, good for you guys
Better behave here after at least. He left with this…

Mike got his mobile which had a voice message from Jessie, mike, am meeting my father tonight and am planning to tell him about us, so I wont be coming home tonight, take good care of you, love you bye.
He just called up Jessie.
Mike, Jessie answered
Yep where are you, mike asked.
Am nearing my father’s place, anyway what about your day,Jessie asked
You wont believe today I ran into Charlie, mike said.
Whoa convey my regards to him,
Oh yeah I’ll do that am meeting him this evening anyway I just noticed something strange in me and had given a medical check up and will be getting my reports tomorrow, mike finished.
Mike, what are you talking about, Jeff dint say anything to me.
No this time I dint visited jeff but Phil in the green bay hospital located in fourth cross street you know, I’ll just get the report and I’ll call you tomo,and all the best with your father things, good night, take care sweet dreams, mike finished.
Wish you the same, Jessie ended still finding it hard to take the things that he has heard. The same information has been passed on to Theresa in case Jessie informs this to jeff and mike dint want to put Theresa in trouble as she has been not around leaving mike to go for outside medical checkup.


Bloody report

Mike reached home and washed his face and called Charlie.
Hey mike, so was sup are we meeting today, Charlie asked.
I guess yeah, mike said with a smile on his face and called up Charlie,
Hey Charlie mike sounded excitingly

Wow, mike could clearly hear the excitement of Charlie, that’s great so let me go get ready then, Charlie could not wait to meet him.
Seems someone is excited to the extreme, mike teased Charlie.
Charlie burst out laughing hardly, well see you in the dinner then, Charlie finished.
Thus they both bid good bye for the moment and ended the conversation.

Ron and zaile were sitting in front of a table and desk which had lot of papers, and were studying the post mortem report that they got over a while, it said the person has been shot dead and then burnt, which gave them no clue, still stuck in the case, Ron and zaile exchanged glances to one another.
So where do we began from, asked Ron.
From the name of the person who has been shot said zaile with a smile.
So what have you got there zaile, Ron asked her noting that she has got something.
Dr.anderson is a person who was head of research department in green bay hospital located in fourth cross street, and there was a piece of paper which you failed to notice and it read mike, so that now we know where to start from we can start as soon as the first light of day falls tomorrow, zaile finished.
Fine then see you tomorrow, need to sleep badly, Ron said and left.
The red colored wagon entered the blue sapphire restaurant, mike got down and searched for Charlie, who waved him from one of the table. Blue sapphire is a typical restraint which has been completely fascinated by nature with flowers and plants all around the place, that presented a pleasant atmosphere for everyone who comes there, for some strange reason mike liked this place so much that he mentally thanked Charlie for arranging a meet here.
As mike entered, Charlie came and greeted him with a firm handshake.
Mike gave a glance over Charlie, he was well built and still had the same smile that he had back in school that would drive anyone crazy, he also noticed the long curly locks that fell to his shoulders the only change is that he has grown hair which looked dazzling in him, dressed up in casual t-shirt and jeans he looked casual yet stylish. On the other hand mike, who has still not recovered from the recent incidents looked fine his hair cleanly gelled and combed properly and he was dressed in jeans too with a black t-shirt.
Mike just wondered with such incredible looks and behaviour how Charlie is single still, anyway that’s not the point.
hey Charlie thanks for inviting me.
Am glad that you somehow made it, Charlie replied back to mike.
This way Charlie nodded, and mike followed him.
As they reached the corners of the room there they sat down and started ordering for the dinner, they both ordered for some pizzas, and as the waiter left,
Charlie whispered you haven’t changed much lately,
So are you except for those locks mike said as he tossed his finger over the locks, but you look too good with this lock, I bet if you have had these back in school all girls would have been behind you.
Charlie said nothing but only laughed, so mike what you are doing these days.
Nothing much was just doing some free lancing, for an instant he thought should he say the three month incident, but he decided this is not the right time to say that, so he carefully skipped that part away.

Rest of the time went just by talking some general guy things and mike’s relation with Jessie, which ultimately ended up when mike asked so Charlie you were saying that you realized something about yourself, may I know what’s that ,mike asked raising his eyebrows.
No not now, Charlie grinned with a smile which could be one of the biggest smile he had recently.
Fine then, but I assure I’ll figure it out, mike said playfully.
Oh if that’s possible, why don’t you give it a try, Charlie replied with grin.
You are going to see that, mike said with a wink.
They both enjoyed the presence of each other and the time eventually passed away, so it was mike who broke the conversation, so Charlie are we going to stay here all night, laughed mike.
No certainly not, Charlie said firmly.
So Charlie it was nice talking to you after all this time, after all at last you realized I have nothing to do with you and Cynthia, mike said with concern.
Charlie opened his mouth o say something but he swallowed the words though. So mike am glad you had a good time see you around soon, Charlie said hugging mike.
Thanks Charlie, mike said reciprocating the hug, with one tap in each others shoulder they both started to leave the place. Mike felt really nice about the entire situation, infact its been long time that he had nice time with someone in a span of three months, Charlie nodded to himself in a pure delight and headed to his place with a huge smile.

Soon mike started thinking about the report that he would be getting the next day from phil. I wish nothing is wrong with me mike prayed and headed to his apartment, as soon as he entered his apartment he thought he would call Jessie , though he resisted the thought knowing that Jessie will be all over him for not attending jeff, so he gave that thought a break and took a shower and headed for bed. Soon he started sleeping peacefully.
The next thing he remember was the lights of sun that were slowly making him feel the warmth and he opened his eyes and its not long before that he realized that he have to meet Phil for his report, so he was ready in seconds and headed for his wagon by the time when he reached the fourth cross street, the green bay hospital was filled in commotion and chaos as he entered the lab he could smell the fresh scent of blood, the thickness and intensity of the smell suggested that its fresh and new, as he traced the scent he knew from where this is coming.
As he approached the place closely, he could see a man who must be in sixties was lying down in the pool of his own blood that has been oozing from all over his body, in a second he noticed that it was phil, to his horror as he studied the entire place there was a paper which read

“ From the above tests its been clear that the(the word was covered in blood which mike could not study) has been reportedly began to secrete in more quantity than the normal case so Mr. Mike has been observed to slowly transform…………… the rest were completely soaked with blood and the report laid in the bloody mess, at this point he realized who ever is behind this were the one who are behind him, he thought of retrieving the report but it was too late, as Ron and zaile made their presence.

So another doctor is out, are we chasing some moron who wants to eliminate all the doctors, zaile said to Ron.
Hey but, I was just wondering how you know this was the same person who did it, Ron asked.
Well, remember the name we found there in the farm, zaile asked
Oh yeah, I do it was Dr. Anderson right, Ron said with pride.
Yeah, and there was another name do you remember that? Zaile asked again.
Hmmmmm Mitch, mikey, Mel, nah nah it was mike right, Ron said after thinking for a while.
Exactly and look at those report in his hand its mike again, so we got to figure out who this mike is first, zaile said.
Ron had nothing other than agreeing as she infact found the place where they are going to start the investigation.
Hearing this made mike really nervous and he silently thought of leaving the place and now he know that there’s something is going with him, he wanted to turn to someone but who would be ready to listen to him, even Jessie is not here, At the moment he thought what Jessie has been doing this moment ,and he knew no one apart from Charlie would be able to make him feel better if it is not for Jessie.
But it was only a few seconds when mike heard Charlie calling Mike, no mike said to himself and started leaving the place as he don’t know whom Charlie was calling, Charlie began running towards him but he was blocked by Ron and zaile, hello they both uttered in unison to Charlie who stood frozen.

Fatal confrontation

No Jessie, no way this is not going to happen, your father wont tolerate this, Samantha said pushing her son back into the room.
But mom, this is what I am, and I want him to know this and I don’t want to fake, Jessie said angrily.
Listen Jessie I can understand, but am afraid your father wont, you know about him, he will do anything to restore his pride in society,
I don’t mind mom, Jessie still fuming.
He turned his own father in to stay with his pride, I don’t think there’s any chance for his son.
What do you say mom?
Listen Jessie its long story, once your father has been accused of doing some scientific research which has thrown many people’s life in danger, infact your father had a secret laboratory in our own home which I assume you don’t know, one day the FBI found out his illegal researches and the effect it had on human and other life. So he has nothing that he can do other than facing consequences as they had enough evidences which were far enough to put your father behind bars for life long but he thought for a while made some arrangements that his father was the one involved with everything along with the help of his friend, and they had exploited his name for this purpose and that old man had nothing to do as he was shocked and spent the rest of his life in prison where he breathed his last breath. When Samantha finished saying this Jessie stood still frozen and shaking.
Mom you are kidding to make me afraid, Jessie asked in disbelief
No Jessie, why would i?
Mom, but he told me my grandpa died long ago in a car crash, Jessie said still shaking.
Again as I said he would do anything to restore his pride in the society, Samantha said with a sense of guilt creeping over her.
And mom you know all this and you remained silent for him and let the innocent grandpa suffer for him, Jessie yelled at his mom for the first time.
What else do you expect me to do, now Samantha’s voice broke and she continued, your father, he will eventually find a way out and he will surely kill me if I were against him and I don’t want you o grow all alone with him as I feared that you might grab his qualities.
Mom, Jessie said hugging her. By the time they heard the doorbell rang indicating that someone was there, his mom answered wait a second am coming. All of a sudden Samantha asked her son not to show that he know anything of his father’s past and they both washed their faces and came to the living room with their face bearing big smile, as Samantha opened the door she was know who was there, it was jasper, hey Hon, how was your day jasper hugged Samantha as he entered, this made Jessie feel awkward after knowing all about his father.
Jessie cleared his throat with audible voice that was enough to indicate his presence there to his father.
Hey jess, how’s ya man, jasper said throwing a hug towards him, which Jessie avoided carefully that not showing that he is not interested in that. This gesture made his mom look concerned she nodded to him to go for it.
Hey dad, how s ya doing, Jessie asked him back.
Fine man,so how are things at your side any thing interesting asked his dad with a grin on his face which could only mean one thing and that’s he was interested to know about any girl in Jessie’s life.
Well dad there’s nothing, especially there’s nothing in the way you are expecting Jessie finished.
Jessie, oh yeah I knew that you and mike share home, is that has something o do with this, jasper asked.
Jessie not expecting something like that was kinda shaken after hearing such a comment from his father. Dad what you mean, Jessie asked with horror. Not only him but even Samantha appeared to be shocked, jasper what does that has got to do with his, sam let her voice heard.
As if you don’t know jasper sighed to her throwing a vague look.
Jasper I mean it and am not getting you, can you be clear if you can, Samantha said raising her voice.
Fine its obvious that you are not getting it said as it is a guy thing jasper sarcastically to Samantha then turning towards Jessie he said but Jessie, I really wonder how come even you are not able to recognize what am saying.
Well dad, this is something that I wanted to talk to you and the reason why I flew down here all along , Jessie opened up at last, he cannot stop but notice the concern that Samantha had on her face, which even got jasper’s notice oh seems I missed something between mom and son.
Well dad, yeah and what you thought was right and we were kinda together for more than ten years now and so I just came down here to let you know what’s happening at my side, Jessie somehow finished.
You should have not said that so soon Samantha said, oh common sam, am his father and do you think that I don’t know this earlier, jasper sighed and continued but my dear Jessie this is not right at least not in my eyes you better try to think about this again.
Listen dad I have already thought about this a lot and now am more sure than anything and I know what I like and I don’t want to fake anything, Jessie growled.
Fine son, if that’s what you want, you go ahead, jasper said and left to his room with a odd smile in his face, which doesn’t had any traces of harm. Jessie was quite surprised at the outcome, he expected his father to yell or go mad at him but in turn his father’s cool reply made him feel that he has sorted things out, but some thing deep inside him started saying that things have just started getting worse.

Later that night during dinner his dad was asking about mike and from his response Jessie could say that his father was really happy that he is with someone whom he love the most. After dinner Jessie could hear his mom and dad arguing about him in their room, in the midway his mom said “No jasper you cant do this, Jessie is your son and you got to do what’s good for him and not this, and you will regret this later please jasper”

Great things started heading in the wrong direction, Jessie felt like asking his mom not to put herself in trouble by talking in favor of Jessie but he knew his mom wont listen. The entire night went with them both arguing about nothing but Jessie and mike, Jessie eventually slept without his knowledge because of his travel and stress that he has been into lately. The next morning Jessie woke up when his mom called him for breakfast as Jessie went for her voice his mom said that she and jasper are going out for a wedding reception and asked him to take care of himself till they got back. Jessie just replied back with a smile.

So what’s your name dude, ron asked still blocking Charlie.
Am cha…char……Charlie, he said
Well Charlie,who is mike, asked zaile.
Why do you ask that, Charlie asked with a confused expression.
Am afraid we cant tell you that not now at least ,zaile said to Charlie lowering her face to his chin. And you are going no where without telling who is mike said Ron with a firm face.
Well officer, I really don’t know which mike you are talking about, I just saw this guy who studied with me in high school and I don’t even know is that him clearly, Charlie lied extremely well.
I guess we got to believe him said zaile.
And why would you do that, Ron asked in total surprise. Well it’s because it seems he is saying the truth, but hmmmmm yeah Charlie I hope you are not lying which is going to cost you a lot and I mean it, zaile finished and asked Charlie to go. When Ron stopped him and got his address and number turning to zaile if we need them in future. Can I go now, asked Charlie.
I guess so said Ron smiling. When he was out of sight zaile said Ron come follow me, where are we going asked Ron, just follow me and I’ll explain later as they got out they could clearly see Charlie was on his phone with some one the moment he came out of the place.
Hey Charlie.
Mike Charlie said in such a way that not even his own ears heard them.
Listen I got to meet you urgently, mike said shivering.
Mike calm down and tell me where am I supposed to come.
Well fine I’ll see you there tomorrow as I guess those snake eyed cops are following me, yeah they are behind me right now and I’ll let you know when I am coming.
Fine bye take care dude, be safe and alert….

Zaile turned to Ron there you have your answer.