Smash the odds

Loneliness and depression,these are the things that haunt many surrounding us,not all individuals have the will power and determination to fight them back ending up successful.. If you are one among those Who struggle to overcome this phase,calm yourself and think,you are also living in the same world where others Who successfully managed to dethrone this emotions lives.. If they can Why cant you,look at yourself in mirror what you see a timid soul haunted by depression,failures and sorrow,do you love the way you look,will your parents or your children or your Partner would they love this part of yours,obviously the answer would be a big No.. Its not easy to overcome this emotions,when confidence levels are low,but that does not mean you cant,you can if you think you can... Dont you think you deserve the peace of mind and joy that others enjoy,after all its your life,it should be you, commanding the emotions and not them.. Start with the things that will reinstate your confidence level,always keep chanting, "nothing is over untill its really over i still do have a chance",Who knows the thing you feel is lost may not be actually lost,your low confidence might have blinded the chances available... Take the game of tennis,there are several cases that when one player serves for the match,it may seem end is near but actually its not, if the other player thinks he/she can do it,the player Who was trailing behind initially may even go on to win the match,But on the other hand,if the player feels I am defeated its the end,by thinking so he/she fails to think of chances available for them to exploit... Its the confidence that we have in ourself makes impossible possible,if someone can do it,Why cant you?? just change the way you look at life,lot of chances awaits to be exploited.. If you fail in one or two incident thats not the end of the world,if you are rejected by love dont crib over that,just move ahead thinking they dont deserve you,this way you can improve your self esteem as well as confidence... Never ever give up in life,because nothing is over till its really over... Wishing everyone for happy life..

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