Girl Who visited me

At dawn,she came at my door,
A little girl,with blonde hair,
Her green eyes, filled with tears,
Pale face, portraying many fears..

She asked me a favour,
As No one else sees her,
Gave me a torn paper,
Saying its for her mother..

I stood confused and still,
She said"have this doll,
For i have nothing to pay"
Still confused,saw her fading away

I wished,it was a dream
But,the doll on my couch made me scream...
Beneath it lay,the torn paper,
It read for my mother...

Where are you?moma,
I hate this creepy aroma,
I'm tired and want to sleep,
So searching for your lap....

I wont fight with you,
Will start everything anew,
I wont ask for a cake,
Will eat anything you make..

Its getting dark and cold,
You know,am not that bold,
I hear a wolf's howl,
I see dance of an owl...

I dint realize, what i did!
Now,am sorry i will be a good kid,
I miss,playing with my teddy,
I miss,the kisses of my daddy...

I'm still at the gargoyle gate,
Wondering about my fate...
With this,the note ended,
Gargoyle gate!!!!
Its the place where souls rest,
Is she dead???
In disbelief,i shook my head,
Was that her spirit that came?
The doll smiled at me,as a dark dame.....

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