Dr.anderson,a fat and short man in midthirties was a talented person but his earning was meagre and he had the desire for riches...
Dr.anderson entered his cabin,where a man was waiting for him...
I have been informed that you are waiting to see me, youngman..
Oh yes,mr.anderson,i am luke and i have a news for you from Mr.Z..
On hearing this,anderson became tensed and sweaty.
"Follow me,luke"
After entering a room,where he believed that no one would notice or overhear them,anderson turned to luke."Now tell me luke".
Well sir,he asked me to give this note to you.
Oh,thank you luke.
I did,what i was supposed to do,so ill take my leave sir..
Anderson, opened the note after luke left,it read
"Thats a fantastic job,meet me this evening for further proceedings"-- Mr.Z
Meanwhile the dark figure in the crimson room,began speaking,"Let him go"..
But sir,we are supposed to operate on him.
Since when did you started questioning me?yelled the dark figure.
I... I am sorry,my lord,but i did not understand the idea behind this.
Listen,he has been already injected enough,so it will start working soon and i dont want to create any tensions as he is been kidnapped,whereever he goes he cant hide from us,so,"LET HIM GO"
As you say,my lord...
Dr.anderson reached the rusted old building in the outskirts of the city,the darkness has already started embracing the city.As he entered the building,he was welcomed by a warm hug.
So,that was brilliant, anderson,is there any chance that he can be cured??
No....Not,untill i wish,Mr.Z
Huh!!!! What do you mean,anderson.
Yeah,he can be cured but only by a person who knows his condition.
Oh! well,that sounds pretty cool,anderson,fine,ill take care of it,now time for your reward,just close your eyes..
As he closed his eyes,Mr.Z picked his gun,pointed to anderson's forehead and even before anderson could open his mouth,its been done.. "A bullet tearing his brain with blood splashing over the wall,Mr.anderson fell down in a bloody pool created by his own blood..
Luke,burn his body,there should be no hope for his cure,laughed Mr.Z....
Past never dies it kills

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